Lulu Life
Who we are - the producers
Our Philosophy - Fairer Trade
We are South Sudanese women working in cooperative groups in South Sudan, in refugee camps in northern Uganda and in Kenya. We have suffered greatly as a result of war and famine, and now want to rebuild our lives and communities. Ourselves. Depending on our own strengths and resources.
For generations we have extracted, used and cherished the lulu from the Shea tree forests which we protect. In 2000 a small NGO began to help us combine our traditional knowledge with improved techniques to develop, package, market and distribute globally the highest quality nilotic shea butter products.
We call our products Lulu Life. And since 2007 we have been registered in South Sudan and Kenya as Lulu Works Trust, LTD as a worker-owned enterprise. Learn more about us in this amazing video done by our friend Faith Model.
Most shea is exported from Africa as nuts, eliminating the oil producers - often women - from the value chain. We believe it should be different! By creating Lulu Works Trust we have implemented even FAIRER TRADE - from nuts to final product, all processes are done by South Sudanese women, adding value to our butter ourselves, selling to you direct and ensuring maximum returns to our members.
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